Our Mission
Our mission is to proclaim the transfiguring love of God for all God’s children through worship and service, welcome and caring, word and deed.
- We share an interfaith campus with Etz Hayim Synagogue and engage in joint programs such as lecture series, discussion groups, fellowship events, Elijah’s Table community dinners, and an interfaith Thanksgiving service.
- Transfiguration provides space for community groups including AA, Narcotics Anonymous, Community Alliance for Teen Safety ,Girl Scouts ,Community Caregivers of Greater Derry, and Success by 6.
- We are committed to service to the community and world including giving toward the United Nations Millennium Development Goals to eradicate extreme poverty.
Hi Lorrie,
I’m just testing to see if this box still works. Thanks for all the updates you’ve made to the website!
Hi Connie,
It works just fine!